Saturday, September 22, 2012

Killer Asian Carp

So you are aware: These pictures are not of full grown Asian Carps like the ones that slammed into my boat.

On the Mississippi river, I found that I was not always alone. on one quiet night, the fog was thick and visibility limited. A slow moving barge sounded its horn as it got close. A thud on the bottom of the boat got me thinking of how close a possible alligator could be. When the barges spot light found me ; It remained focused on my tiny craft to avoid a late night crash.It was then that All Hell broke loose. 1000 or so silver Asian Carp exploded out of the water. For a brief moment I thought I was caught In a trout run. That was of course until an 80 pound Asian Carp slammed into my head and nearly rendered me unconscious. It landed on the bottom of the boat and my rage took over. in seconds I had killed it. the barges light stayed focused on my small boat and it was only then that i realized why all the carp were flying towards the boat.( It was the laughter of the workers on the barge which quickly made me realize the danger of the situation.) I grabbed for the marine radio and screamed profanities into it. " Turn that fucking spot light away from my boat or I swear to you I will come up there and kick your ass.your going to get me killed you stupid fuck!" I could see the pilot house of the barge, and the captain as my words slapped him like an angry wife. The thumping of fish banging into the boat became louder. it was only then that i saw the captain of the barge screaming to his mates to move the beam of light. The seriousness of the situation became evident with the terror in the crews face. as the beam of light moved away so did the Asian carp. this would not be my first encounter with dangerous animals nor, will it be my last.(authors note:) According to The Fish Game and Wildlife Services, Army corps. of Engineers and leading Marine Biologists; over 2751 Nautical miles of rivers have been fouled by several species of Asian carp.The exploding populations of the Asian carp have choked our waterways, endangered native species of fish and shellfish to near extinction levels. all attempts to electrify waterways to keep the Asian Carp from invading the Great Lakes have failed.
Thanks to Dave of the Hennepin Fire Department and the Sheriff's Department for allowing me to make an emergency docking.

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